The Contributors

The Distribution Playbook was based on The Distribution Low Down, created in 2019 and spearheaded by Seed& Spark. Significant contributions came from Orly Ravid (The Film Collaborative), Wendy Cohen (Picture Motion), Dylan Marchetti (then WellGo Entertainment), and Dave Binegae (Showtime).

This updated Distribution Playbook has incorporated and updated that information here, in partnership with Kinema. It is an open sourced playbook, and we welcome contributions! As we receive and incorporate updates, we will include your name and preferred association here.

Please note that we are all volunteers! This is a free resource with the intention of providing education, empowerment, and autonomy. The information and resources are listed based on our experience and research, but they are not entirely comprehensive, and every film release is different. The following is a running list of the Distribution Playbook contributors as we receive and incorporate additions.

Thank you to IndieWire for covering the release of The Distribution Playbook! Read their story on this Playbook here.

Playbook Contributors

Initial Collaborators

**Emily Best, Seed & Spark**

**Christie Marchese, Kinema**

Design by Emily Roff, Kinema & Roff Studio

**Noam Saul, Kinema**

**Sav Rodgers, Seed&Spark**

Additional Collaborators & Contributors

**Jon Reiss, 8Above**

Liz Manashil